Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's A Drey Mason Jar?

I don't know an awful lot about Drey Mason Jars. When I bought this piece of paper a month ago, I looked at the long list of items purchased, saw the words "Drey Mason Jars", and decided to do a bit of research before putting any images on this paper. I'm glad that I did. A fellow by the name of Leo Drey (he pronounced it DRY) was the president of the Schram Manufacturing Company between the years 1908 and 1920, the year that he died. Schram Manufacturing was bought out by the Ball Brothers in 1925. There is a great deal of confusing information about the relationship between these two companies, but when I finally found a picture of a square Drey Mason jar, I knew what I was going to put on this old paper!


  1. How did you decide on the color scheme for this jar? It's beautiful! (Me, I would have gone for the soda crax, or ginger snaps.)

  2. Okay - Here's the deal on the color scheme: I spent more than a week looking for images of Drey Mason jars. When it rains, it pours... I found a site on the web which not only had the story behind the Ball Brothers acquisition of Schram, but also several examples of Drey Mason jars. I picked the one that I liked.

    And I have plenty of bills, receipts and invoices for soda crax and ZU-ZU (National Biscuit Company) Gingersnaps. This mention of Drey was too good to pass up, especially since they were OUT.
